Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Make Running Fun

I saw this article somewhere on the Internets the other day. I honestly don't remember where. But now I have No Meat Athlete in my blog reader.

Make Running Fun
I am excited to try out some of these suggestions.

#5 We live across the street from an elementary school. It's probably not the same size as a high school track, but there is a track. I can and will let the kids play in the field while I run around the track in the summer.

#10 I already do this, strictly to make sure I'm not hyperventilating, but I can remember to do it more purposefully. In for two; out for three. In for two; out for three. Helps me lose track of time.

#12 I'd like to try some of these recipes. And I'm sure my hubby and veg sister would too.

#18 Check and Check!

#19 I will be incorporating cross training when my training officially starts.

#20 Once a month or more!

#21-#22 Running Partner: I think I need this more than I realize. I ran with my sister a few days ago, and it's great to have someone out there with me. When I'm on the treadmill, it's less necessary. The kids are always close by. But out on the street, I like having someone there.

#30 My big goal next year is going to be Ragnar.

#37 LOVE IT!

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