Sunday, May 6, 2012

13.1 Training - Week 10 - 5/6

Sunday - Run 7.65: At 1 hour, I had gone 5.4 miles. My 10k time was about 1:10.
7.65 miles = 1:26:37 (11:08, 11:07, 10:47, 11:26, 11:12, 11:54, 11:40) 
Monday - Run 5: I ran right after a small dinner of baked potatoes with sour cream and spinach salad. I made it 3.5 miles before I thought I was going to die. The problem with running outside is that no matter how far you've gone, you have to make it all the way home. So I walked the remaining 1.5 miles. I'm never running  right after dinner again.
Tuesday - Run 3: It's supposed to rain tonight, so I'm doing my run mid-afternoon while Livy naps and Bethany watches the other two. No watch. Just me & my playlist.
Wednesday - nothing: Skipped it. It was cruddy in the morning, and our babysitter Auntie Bethany was super sick. I didn't dare leave the kids with her while she was ill. And then it was Jeremy's birthday, so we went out to eat and had a Cake Party.
Thursday - Nada: I'm having a rough time of running. It hasn't been enjoyable at all. I feel sick. I thought I picked up a stalker one evening. I keep missing runs for the weather, kids, scheduling problems. I don't think I'm going to be ready for Fargo, even with my long runs. I want more time to train, but then I don't enjoy it at all anyway.
Friday - off:
Saturday - unintentionally off: We had the Chain of Lakes Triathlon. Then I was goign to run after that. Skipped it, because it was raining and about 40 degrees.

Weekly Total: ~15 miles

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