Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fargo 13.1 Race Preview of sorts

I'm not sure what I should be writing in a Race Preview, so here's what I'm thinking.

Pre-Race Thoughts
  1. I'm not sure who thought doing a race in Fargo was a great idea. A couple weekends ago, Livy started crying about an hour into our two-hour drive. I hope she doesn't cry the whole way to Fargo. At least we're stopping in Osakis, so maybe I can nurse her if she needs it. 
  2. We decided to run in Fargo because it's a "smaller town" and my mom would be available to watch the kids. 
  3. We got an email about the heat on Tuesday. It's supposed to be 50 at the start and the high for the day is 80. They will have extra water & ice on the course. Remember sunscreen?  
  4. We are starting at 7:30. I should be done around 10. I'm trying not to be nervous about the kids. I'm sure they'll be fine. I'm completely confident my mom & Marilla can handle them. But that baby. I hope she does okay and doesn't cry too much. The things I'm thinking about the kids are snacks, stroller, sleeping. If we're in the hotel together, and Jeremy & I get up to leave, someone has to come to our room to be there with the kids. Should I bring the stroller? How will it fit in the car? Should I pack snacks? They'll eat at the hotel, I'm sure. And then there are snacks at the race. But the mom in me says I should have something ready for them. 
  5. Should I bring my iPod? Should I carry my phone or the camera in my SPI Belt? I'll have the sport beans too. 
  6. I'm aiming for 11:30s. That'll be 2-1/2 hours. 
I think that's it. I have a whole long email written to Jeremy, Bethany, and my mom about the weekend. I'm a little freaked out that I'll forget something at home or that the family will miss the finish.

1 comment:

  1. The kids will be fine. Camera yes - phone maybe but only in a ziplock. The kids will be fine! Take lots of pictures - every mile is always good. Skip the porta-potty pic. The kids will be fine. Your family will definitely be at the finish ! The kids will be fine!
