Monday, January 28, 2013

Group Fitness

I've been going to the YMCA since July, and now that Livy will stay in Kidstuff for more than an hour without crying, I'm getting into a Group Fitness schedule.

Piyo: Wednesday 9:30am
Our PiYo fitness class combines exercises from Pilates, yoga, strength training and sports stretch. The low-impact workout will increase your fitness level, core strength, flexibility, stability, balance, and posture as you move from one exercise to the next.

Fitness Yoga: Friday 9:30am
Build strength and flexibility, reduce stress and tension and increase your overall health, energy and vitality with this high-energy, athletic style of yoga. You’ll finish renewed and rejuvenated.

Mat Pilates: Sunday 5:30pm
Mat Pilates is a conditioning fitness class that focuses on body alignment and breathing. The exercises cover all core powerhouse muscle groups: abdominals, lower back, shoulders, thighs and gluteals. If you like yoga, check out Mat Pilates.

As you can see, I like the yoga and pilates. I need core strengthening without weight machines or being "in public," which means doing planks and ab work on a stability ball in the middle of the whole gym. Bethany did show me the routine a trainer set up for her--I can dig the TRX pull-ups and inclined push-ups. I want stronger arms. 

I do not like BodyPump and RIPPED and Zumba and all those fast-paced, jump around, thumping music classes. Also, I've been reading all these running and/or triathlon blogs, and I don't know if I want to "be a runner." I just don't want to be fat :) So I'm going to continue running and doing the elliptical and occasionally biking. 

I am doing the Get Lucky 7k in March. Bethany, Nikki and a friend of hers from school are doing it too. Bethany is way faster than me. Nikki is faster than me. I don't know about Nikki's friend, but I imagine they're similarly faster than me. So I've started the Couch to 5k over again--I'm doing Week 4 this week--running at a 9:30 pace. I want to be "in the running" with them, and I'm tired of being the slowest person in the world. 

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