Wednesday, August 15, 2012


We've recently re-joined the River Valley YMCA here in Prior Lake.

  1. Jeremy wants to do some weight training. 
  2. I want to take some classes.
  3. There have been scheduling difficulties finding time for me to work out--without getting up at 3am, or starting at 8:30pm, or being out in the dark, or running with the three kids in the jogger.
  4. I can workout at the Y and then take a shower knowing that the kids are having fun in the Kid Stuff playroom. 
  5. It's also a nice alternative in case Jeremy misses swimming practice. 
It's been about 3-4 weeks now, and we're getting pretty good use of the membership. I've taken the kids swimming during the day a few times. We've all gone swimming in the evenings or weekends a few times. 

And then I've taken the kids to Kid Stuff and tried to work out a few times. I say try because our dear sweet baby AKA "Miss Cries A Lot" hasn't made it longer than an hour. And I think she only made it that hour because I was in the lap pool and didn't have a pager.

The other times (probably five) that I've taken the kids there, I've gotten paged any where from one to three times in 40 minutes. You know, you get up to two hours every day in the playroom. One day, we were there for two hours, but I only worked out for 35 minutes--the rest of the time was spent calming Livy down and helping her feel better.

The goal is to go often--even if we don't stay long--so she gets to know the staff and gets comfortable playing while I'm gone. 

On another note, I came to pick up the kids one day and Jamey said, "Mom, will you do a longer workout?"

P.S. Livy has only stayed in the church nursery two times without me being paged, so it's not the Y. It's my Little Love Bug. 

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