These apply to both adults in our house.
- You have to participate in family life, even if you got up at 4am to swim for hours or bike a million miles. You can't come home and sleep the day away. Weekends are family time, too.
- Life will go on, even if you're training. The rest of the family isn't sitting around waiting for the fun to start when you get home.
- Always wear your Road ID and always carry your phone.
- Leave notes outlining your route--biking or running--and what time you left and how long you think it'll take.
- Don't go training in the dark. That's what the YMCA is for.
I sometimes think we need to work out balance of who is doing what when. But for the most part, I think the training schedule is fine. It works out. It doesn't seem like we have too much conflict over it, and I'm learning to be more assertive about things I want to do, so I don't feel left out or like Jeremy always gets to do whatever he wants.
Also, now that these rules are written down, I see that they're not new. We agreed to these years ago when Jeremy started training. And it doesn't seem like we ever had to have a talk about it. This is the way it's been. Well, 1 & 2 are works in progress, but no one's perfect.
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